With companies being increasingly sensitive about their ecological footprint, introducing sustainability practices into your office routine is no longer an option but a must-do. Eco-friendly alternatives reduce wastes, minimize costs, and add to a greener future. There are many feasible, practical, and effective ways you can make your office green.

Sustainable practices to be implemented in office | Gurucent

Here are some feasible, practical, and effective ways to keep your office green :

1. Reduce Paper Waste

Reduce Paper Waste | Gurucent

Is it not weird that this is an age wherein the work offices are supposed to go paperless and waste so much paper? Paper would perhaps be the most basic point you could focus on for your sustainability.

  • Digital Shift: 

Transition into digital documents with e-signatures. Find document management and collaboration software that eliminates or reduces the need in the first place for hard copies.

  • Smarter Printing: 

When there is a need to print, let the printing be on double-sided recycled paper. Introduce a printer policy that encourages employees to print only what they needs.

2. Energy Efficiency

Energy use by offices in buildings is one of those huge contributors to an organization’s carbon footprint. Office energy efficiency in buildings offers quite a fantastic environmental and economic benefit.

HVAC System | Gurucent

LED Lighting Replace all incandescent and fluorescent bulbs with LEDs, which use a fraction of the energy and last many times longer. It reduces total electricity consumption and resulting waste. Smarter Heat and Cool Keep a close watch on heating and cooling with programmable thermostats. Periodically serve the HVAC systems and look to energy-efficient upgrades where possible. 

3. Waste Reduction Program

This will go a long way in reducing environmental impact and creating a neater, more practical workplace. 

  • Recycling Stations: 

Mount full signs on recycling stations for paper, plastics, and metals. Train the employees on what is acceptable for recycling and solicit their cooperation in the same process.

Composting If your office has a kitchen or a break area, institute a composting program for food wastes. Composting diverts the waste from landfills and finished compost can be utilized to enhance community garden soil.

Amazing isn’t it, even office supplies play a role in your ecological footprint? Use products made from very sustainable or recycled materials.

Recycle Station | Gurucent
  • Environmentally friendly products: 

This may include but is not limited to, recycled paper, pens made from biodegradable material, efficient appliances in the office kitchen. In such cases, independently certified environmentally friendly products must be selected wherever possible. Wherever possible, packing must be avoided.

  • Bulk Purchasing: 

Supplies shall be purchased when possible in bulk to minimize packaging waste and save money. When feasible, show preference to suppliers who have identified a key focus on the sustainability of their products and practices. 


As a return, of course, sustainable office practices identify the best way of minimizing environmental pollution and offering a healthy workplace-from paper waste reduction due to proper use of energy, handling of wastes, making ordered supplies friendly to the environment up to offering workers means of transport that is more ecological. For more updates www.gurucent.com


Q1.How will the policy of paperless offices be effectively implemented?

A. Find the different places where paper copies are targeted and then find an alternative to them. After training the staff well in relation to creation, storage, and sharing of the documents, gradually retire the printers by setting defaults to digital documents. Update your policy from time to time about arising challenges and make necessary amendments according to the needs and requirements.

Q2. What is it that a few simple things can be done in order to reduce the consumption of energy in offices?

A. The simple measures which would include switching off the lights and other gadgetry whenever not in use, using equipment that consumes less power, adapting cooling and heating systems. Other measures would include installation of motion sensors on the lighting and sealing the windows and doors properly.

Q3. How to engage people in the projects of sustainability?

A. Engage them through active participation by making sure to clearly communicate how your efforts toward sustainability will benefit your company’s objectives. You can give incentives or some form of recognition if they go the extra mile for greening. Let them be involved in the planning and decision-making processes, and let frequent reports about the outcome of their labors be one way to show you are concerned with a culture of sustainability to be practiced in their work.