
This Privacy Policy outlines how (“we/us/our”) handles your personal and non-personal data when you visit our website,, whether you’re an advertiser, a publisher, or a user of our advertisers’ or publishers’ websites and platforms.

1. Data Protection Officer:
For any questions about data protection or your rights, contact our Data Protection Officer at

2. Definitions:
–  Personal data:

Information relating to an identified or identifiable person.
–  Technical data: Information unrelated to your identity, e.g., browser types, operating systems, etc.
–  Processing:  Operations on data, such as collection, storage, or disclosure.

3. Collecting and Processing Personal Data:
The scope of data collection depends on your interaction:
– As a visitor of
– As a publisher or advertiser
– As a user of our publishers’ and/or advertisers’ websites

3.1. For Visitors:
We collect data like IP address, browser specifications, and referral URLs. We use cookies for improved website usability. You can control cookies through your browser settings.

3.2. For Publishers or Advertisers:
–  Registering and participating: We collect personal data provided during registration and additional data during participation.
– Cookies: Strictly necessary cookies are used on account pages.
–  Analytics tools: Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica are used for website optimization.

3.2.2. Gurucent Extension for Publishers:
– The extension processes personal data for functionality and analytics.
– Data may be disclosed to third parties for deeplink usage and sent to Google Analytics for statistical analysis.

3.2.3. Integration with Google Ads for Publishers:
– Data, including Google account ID and Click ID, is collected for integration purposes.

3.2.4. Use of Tracking URLs for Publishers:
– Tracking URLs are used for affiliate program insights.
– No personal data is collected from users clicking on tracking URLs.

3.2.5. Stripe for Advertisers:
– Stripe processes payment information for billing advertisers.

3.2.6. Userflow for Advertisers:
– Userflow processes onboarding information for advertisers.

3.3. For Publisher and Advertiser Users:
–  Use of Tracking URLs: Collected data includes click_id, referrer_url, country, date, device, and browser information.
–  Cookies:  Cookies store information about ad clicks.
–  Behavioral Targeting: Gurucent does not conduct behavioral advertising.

4. Data Transfer:
Personal data is transferred securely, and third parties only receive necessary information for specific purposes. Data may be transferred to countries outside the EEA with adequate safeguards.

5. User Rights:
You have rights to access, rectification, erasure, restrict processing, data portability, and objection. Contact us at to exercise these rights.

6. Amendments:
This policy may be modified to comply with new laws or regulations or for reasonable amendments.

7. Questions/Contacts:
For questions or requests related to data security, contact our Privacy Officers at